Thursday, April 16, 2020

Covid Diaries Day 7: What do I know?

What do I think, what do I know, What can I prove?

I feel as though I know so little about the actual disease.  At first I thought it was just like the flu. Even when I watched early accounts of actual people who had it they said it was like the worst flu you've ever had.  It wasn't until I read about a 40something year old cross fitter thought to be in excellent health who died of corona that I started to panic.  As I've said before when the boys were first out of school and I was told to work remotely I went to my sisters and thought everything would be back to normal in a week maybe 2.  It wasn't until I started joining daily calls at work that I realized this might be worse then I thought.

I am an HR Business Partner for a Global company so my initial days were spent making sure people had what they needed to do their job now they are spent making sure everyone is mentally safe and figuring out what the new normal will be when we return to work and social events.  I truly believe there will be PTSD even for those who weren't directly effected and it will be important that we are prepared to support those individuals.

I know my company has been able to provide amazing helpful data to healthcare professionals to try to flatten the curve. 

I know people are losing jobs and money and depending on who you listen to this will continue until mid-May or 2022.

I really don't do a ton of research about the disease itself because I'm choosing to spend my time researching how to help people during and after this crisis.  What will it look like when things are back to normal?  What will the new normal be?  The information that I get about COVID itself is usually from my Brother In Law who is a doctor, friends, Alfred and through work calls which are COVID related. 

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