Monday, September 24, 2012

Happy 4 1/2 Birthday Kingston Homer!

Half birthdays have always been a big deal in our house.  Why should you have to wait an entire year to celebrate the awesomeness that is you!  So today as my first child celebrates another 1/2 year I want to take a moment to reflect on him.  We always say he had a better plan for our family then Alfred and I ever could.  He is the reason we are the Eller's!

 Kingston you are one of a kind!  You have never met a stranger.  You work a room quicker than most anyone I know.  People I don't even know recognize you at the most random places.  Everyone is your friend!  You never miss an opportunity to compliment anyone.  You tell me everyday how beautiful I am. You love all beautiful things from painted toe nails to necklaces to rocks that you see something in that no one else does and call them happy rocks. 

You love running with mommy and Bex, you are a great big brother, you love daddy days when you, Bex and daddy get to hang out at home all day and be lazy.  You remind us all the time that paper towels are bad for the environment and you ask so many questions about God and Jesus and Church.  You are good to your friends at school.  Your best friend at school  is Sarah and has been for the last few years, the 2 of you love playing dress up and pretending to cook.  You play soccer and this year you have really matured in the sport.  You know you have to be on the field and that your team needs you.  You beg us to take karate and I hope to get you enrolled soon.  You perform skits and puppet shows at home and at school all the time.  You come up with the most random stuff and I could watch you for days.  You love movies and funny music. You enjoy going out to eat with the running club on Wednesday and if you get in trouble and you have to miss you are very upset.  You love your grandparents and I think you would live with them if we let you.  You love vacation and staying in hotels!

You talk all the time!!  People are usually floored by your vocabulary because you sound like a little adult.  Sometimes this drives mommy crazy because you reason things out so well.  You are a debater and every time you get in trouble you try to talk your way out of it before you will just take the punishment and I have to admit sometimes your arguments are good.  You are a cuddle bug and I hope you remain this way forever!  You are constantly giving daddy and I kisses and hugs and I just love it.  Your favorite food is broccoli and any dessert, your favorite color is green, you hate tomatoes but finally after 4 years you love watermelon.

I could go on and on forever and still never convey what you mean to me!  The last 4 1/2 years have been amazing.  Sure at times my nerves are shot and I make many many mistakes but I wouldn't trade one day of time with you.  The ups the downs and all the all the in betweens!  So happy half Birthday Kingston Homer and thank you for choosing us!   

Thursday, September 13, 2012

People and Fruit

Kingston's assignment in Pre-K this week was for us to pick a fruit and for him teach the class a characteristic based on that fruit.  The kids were then going to mix all their fruit together to make a fruit salad for the parents at Open House.  After much deliberation with my friend Jodi I decided a pineapple would be the best.  So Alfred brought home a real pineapple uncut and some cubed pineapple.  All morning on the way to school Kingston and I talked about how the Pineapple represented how we "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover"  the pineapple is ugly but on the inside it's sweet. I even wrote it down on paper so his teacher would know what lesson it was supposed to represent in case he forgot.  When it was his turn he told the class exactly what I wrote but then a few minutes later he told Ms. Angela he actually wanted to say something else to the class so she said go ahead.  Kingston stood up and said "People might be mean and prickly on the outside like a pineapple but everyone has a beautiful heart on the inside".  It sounds so much better in his own words and shows me that I need to let him take more responsibility.  He really is a sweet guy and he really does get it!! Lesson learned for mama too!