Thursday, October 22, 2009

Kingston Chronicles

This edition of Kingston Chronicles is dedicated to Kingston's 18th month birthday! However, it's a little late since he turned 18 months old on September 24 and he's about to be 19 months old in a couple of days. Oh well I'm getting to it now and we've been really busy :)!!! So let's start with the stats:

Weight: 22 pounds 13.04 percentile
Length: 30.5 inches 7.86 percentile
head circumference: 18.9 inches 57.25 percentile
So what do you do when your baby turns 18 months old!! Have a half birthday party of course!! And what's a birthday party without a birthday cake!!

I think Kingston loved his birthday cake!! Or he just had one heck of a sugar rush :)!! This mess is spaghetti mixed with birthday cake, not the best idea we've ever had!

And we have one busy 18 month old these days!!
He's been "running" 5K's with his mom and dad (and our running friend Jodi of course)-rain or shine!! And we're even in a Monday night running group downtown and he's the mascot and loves the people in the group! Of course they spoil him!

He spends a lot of time loving on his mommy which is just fine with me!! The free unsolicited kisses are the best!

And of course he went to his first UGA game with mommy and daddy at Vandy and GA won! It was a cold game but we had a blast and we were yet again reminded this kid can sleep anywhere! He fell asleep 4th quarter laying on Alfred!

As for other things in his 18 month old life. He says quite a few words. And is starting to answer our questions correctly! He can repeat a lot of words and has started saying words unprompted. He still loves to dance and loves Barney and the Wiggles and Sesame Street. He is a very social little guy and has never met a stranger. He strikes up conversations with strangers in the grocery store. He loves pushing everything from the kitchen chairs to the shopping cart. He has still only woken us up during the night about 5 times since he was 4 months old. The kid loves his sleep. He is a great eater. He loves fruit and will try most anything you put in front of him. He does break down sometimes. Mainly when you won't give him what he wants. He hits at times and gets put in time out. He does very well in time out and hugs and kisses you afterward as if to say I'm so sorry. He is overall a wonderful little dude and I wouldn't want him any other way!! Happy 18 months baby boy mommy and daddy think you're pretty amazing!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Baby Eller-12 Weeks

Has it really been 4 weeks since my last post? I guess that's what happens when you're sick all the time :)! Oh well at least I know it's all worth it in the end. At this months appt. we got to hear the sweetest sound on Earth. Our little babies heartbeat! It was wonderful adn perfect according to Dr. M! I forget how easy it is to fall in love with a woosh woosh woosh and know that in just a few months you will be holding that little person in your arms, getting to know there little personality and falling more in love then you ever thought imaginable and this time we know what that will be like and we have Big Brother Kingston to thank for paving the way and teaching us what a joy parenthood truly is! So all's well and until next month mommy and baby will keep growing :)! (Although at this appt. Mommy is down a few more pounds due to chronic sickness but I know that will all change soon enough!)