Friday, July 24, 2009

It was time for a Haircut!!

I knew Kingston needed another haircut. It was getting in his eyes and starting to look like a mullet but I couldn't bring myself to do it or have it done where I would have to witness the aftermath! Since he's visiting my family this weekend I mentioned to my sister that it might be a good time to give him a trim since she cuts her boys hair all the time. I was imagining this would happen on Sunday as an afterthought before they brought him home to me and I would be missing him so bad I wouldn't even notice. Not the case. She called me at 7:30 this morning and said check your e-mail I trimmed Kingston's hair and sent you pictures.

I have to admit it does look pretty cute even if I did cry a little!! Not because I don't love it only because my sweet little baby is looking like a little boy!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Kingston Kronicles

This is the reason Kingston had to have a helmet. That's right folks we have our very own bike rider! Alfred and I have been riding quite a bit lately so we decided rather than riding separately we'd get a baby bike seat so we could all ride together and we're so glad we did because Kingston loves it! Cell phones are something we thought we'd have awhile to worry about but no, Kingston picks them up whenever he sees one and starts gabbing away! I have to admit it's too cute!

Saturday Kingston and I went to A Monkey's Tree house in Bellevue to play and had such a great time. The Lego's were his favorite. If he found them anywhere else he would bring them to the peg board to try to put them on there. I think we have a smarty!

Saturday evening Alfred and I sat up Kingston's pool on the back porch while we worked and played outside and he loved it even if it was a bit cool.

Thursday Kingston is heading to West Virginia for the weekend so he can hang out with my family while Alfred and I go to Brewfest so I'm sure we'll have plenty to tell you about this weekend!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Kingston Kronicles

The Kingston Kronicles is going to be a new edition to Just Us, this is where you can read about all things Kingston. I'm going (hoping) to update this atleast once a week with the things he's been into. For this first edition we're going to share some of Kingston's new favorite things.

Line Dancing! Always the fan of dancing he's now taken it to the next level and in this particular shot he's mastering Soldier Boy!

Glow sticks!! Someone dropped a box and he quickly picked up about 100 of them! Good thing daddy can teach him to dance with them, therefore combining 2 of his favorite things!

Chasing girls! Need I say more?

Playing in boxes while mommy puts his clothes away!

Unrolling all the toilet paper in the house every chance he gets!

And his newest favorite thing required mommy and daddy to make this adorable purchase -- but more about that later! We have to keep you coming back for more Kingston Kronicles!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Boom Boom Pow!

What a difference a year makes!!
4th of July 2008
This fourth of July weekend has been a blast! I got an extra day off work so Kingston and I met our friends Rachel and Oliver at the zoo on Friday for a little fun. Kingston could have cared less about anything except the little water area. Once we got there he was in heaven!! He was such a big kid working his way to the front so he could get splashed, of course when it was time to leave he threw a fit like I was kidnapping him, good thing Rachel had some fig newtons!

Bright and early Saturday morning Kingston and I got up to do the "I run for the Party" 5K downtown with some of work friends. We had a blast even if I did discover too late that I would have to do the race with 2 flat tires on my jogging stroller! Oh well I figure this way I got an extra are workout! And Kingston did much better in this 5K then he did in the Zoo Run when it was freezing outside!

Finally on Saturday night Alfred got some time off so we could go see some fireworks together. Our friend Elizabeth gave us Kingston's patriotic outfit when he was less than a week old in a bag of hand me downs and I've been waiting until this night for him to wear it!

Kingston thought the fireworks were pretty cool. He was very calm during the entire event and just laid on me watching all the pretty colors!

This is the 2ND year in a row we've watched fireworks at the Church by Crockett Park, with our friends. We have such a good time. We get there early have a picnic of Mexican food, play cornhole, listen to music and just hang out until the main event. This year was a little rainier than last but we still had a blast!

We have one more party to go to tonight then it's back to work for mama! I hope all of you had a safe 4Th of July!