Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Baby Eller - 8 Weeks Pregnant

When we talked about having another baby and decided the time was right I figured I had it all figured out since I'd done this before. That couldn't have been further from the truth. This time around I've been really sick which didn't happen at all last time! This time around I have a toddler to take care of so I don't get to lay around all the time. This time is just different, I don't exactly know how to put it in words. It's different because we are giving Kingston a sibling. It's different because I know this time around how much in love with this baby I'm going to be because we've been here before. I can't wait to see Kingston with his little brother or sister. I can't wait to be a family of 4. But even before that I can't wait to hear the beat of the heart, to feel the first kick, to see the first ultrasound, to decide on a name, to decorate the nursery, to fall in love with someone more than I ever thought possible without laying an eye on them! As different as it's been it's still wonderful!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend Kingston and I headed to Ohio to see my family and hang out with my best friend since Kindergarten and her family. We had a blast catching up and laughing until my sides hurt! The kids had a blast too! They played in the yard for hours despite the rain! Kingston of course spent a lot of the time pushing around there push toys since that's still his favorite thing to do! (Sorry the pictures sideways, I didn't realize until it was too late and I wasn't redoing the entire thing to change it, so tilt your head :)!
And when he wasn't doing that he was playing a little badminton! He's not very good yet but if he's anything like his Aunt Amanda and I he will soon be a pro. We used to spend hours every evening volleying badminton in our back yard! I still love the game!

All summer the boys have been growing watermelons at Mimi's and Pawpaw's. They've been in a contest with my Uncle Wilkie who actually didn't even grow watermelon's this year due to a heart condition but made them think he did, and boy were they competitive. This morning was the ceremonial watermelon picking day that they've been waiting on, and one of the main reasons Kingston and I made the journey! And wouldn't you know it rained. But that didn't stop them from picking thier prize!
And good thing because it sure was tasty!!

After a 6 hour ride back home we finally got to see Daddy who was thrilled to have us back!! I think he had a rough time this weekend since his Dawgs lost and we weren't here to console him!!
Tomorrow we go to our first Dr's appt. for the newest Eller! We are beyond excited! This time is so different because we already know the joys of parenthood and can't wait to do it again! I can't believe I'm already 8 weeks pregnant today! But enough about that I'll dedicate an entire post to the first 8 weeks tomorrow!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Kingston Chronicles

Friday morning we headed down to Vanderbilt Children's Hospital so that Kingston could have surgery. Oh course he had to wear his GA outfit for good luck! Mimi came down and went to the hospital with me since we weren't sure when daddy was going to be able to leave inventory at work and get to the hospital. Luckily he made it in plenty of time!

Finally it was time to get in the standard Vandy baby PJ's and head off with the team. This is a picture of Kingston getting a little overwhelmed by all the stuff happening!

I don't have any pictures of Kingston immediately after because we were too busy holding and loving on him! He did wonderful though and other than the 10 stitches you really would have never known he had surgery. Oh course he got some post surgery presents out of the deal. Mimi bought him a pack of match box cars which he loves and daddy took him out and bought him a red bean bag chair so he will have somewhere comfy to sit while he watches the GA games.

This looks like one happy baby to me!!

I have to take just a moment to give a shout out to Vandy Hospital! We are so lucky to have such a fabulous place to take our children should they need care. They not only took exceptional care of Kingston they went out of there way to make Alfred and I feel comfortable. They understood we were handing our little baby over to 12 perfect strangers and he was going to be put to sleep and that all of it was very scary for us. I would rather have not had to do it but since we did I'm so thankful for this hospital and there wonderful staff!
This weekend Kingston and I are heading to Ohio to see my sisters new house and hang out with my family. Alfred is staying behind to work but will be hanging out with friends on Saturday to watch the first GA game of the season! Enjoy your long weekend I know we will be!!