Friday, March 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Kingston! Welcome to the World!

Easter was such a great day for Alfred and I! We had no idea what it had in store when we woke up that morning but we couldn't have ask for anything better! We got up early and started boiling eggs so that we could color eggs with Kingston's name on them.
And so that daddy could put together the last of the baby stuff that we had bought the night before. The most important thing being the car seat that we thought we could wait to get. I spent the day cleaning and then we headed over to Phil and Elizabeth's to eat Easter dinner with there family and enjoy a visit from the Eater Bunny!
We had a great time and got home around 9:00PM! I was feeling pretty miserable and my feet were swollen more than they had been! Elizabeth gave me Epsom salt and suggested I soak my feet to take out some of the soreness and maybe even bring the swelling down! So I sat around for about 30 minutes with me feet in a bucket and my hands in a plate of food!
I finally crawled into bed at about 10:30PM and woke up about 11:45PM convinced I had peed on myself! I woke Alfred up to tell him and said I felt kind of weird. He said he thought maybe I had fallen asleep with ice in my mouth since my due date wasn't for another 4 weeks! I felt no pain so we got on line and googled water breaking (yes it is the .com era). It gave a few suggestions on how to know and I called my sister, mother of 3, to ask for advice. She said it sounded like my water had broken and that sometimes contractions didn't come on for awhile. So we decided we had better throw a couple of bags together for me, him and the baby and head off to the hospital. Not before I got one last preggo picture just in case!

We finally arrived at the hospital at 2:00AM and I still hadn't felt a contraction so they did a few tests discovered that in deed my water had broken but we were in for a long night and day because I was barely dilated! We got a room, waited until the next morning and called our parents, friends and work and let them know Kingston would be arriving a little early! I felt my first contraction at about 4:30AM and my doctor came in and started potosen about 7:30AM and I got an epidural at about 8:30AM so I felt very few labor pains. To pass the time we slept, watched TV, laughed hysterically at each other and read magazines!

And yes I'm sending this pic into Glamour for their where has your Glamour been section!

Finally about 2:00PM I started feeling pressure and it was time for baby Kingston to arrive but he was turned awkward so they put me on my side and we waited. At 2:20 all was good to go, my doctor was on the way, Kingston was on his way, I was ready for this to be over and daddy was so excited he couldn't hardly stand himself!

After several pushes and much encouragement from Alfred and Dr. Thomas we had our little boy!! Daddy cut the cord and they handed him to me!!

I had been worried because he was early but he cried out with the best lungs you've ever heard and let everyone know we had nothing to worry about!! He was born 3:04PM weighing 6lbs. 12oz and 18 1/4 inches long. He was perfect!!

I was released from the hospital on Wednesday and Kingston had to stay until Thursday because he was preemie and had jaundice and they wanted to keep an eye on him!!

Everyone already loves him so much!! Mommy and daddy couldn't be happier!! MeeMee and Pawpaw and Mama Deb left today and Aunt Amanda and cousin Corey had to leave before he was out of the hospital but not without tears and a set date to come see him again!! I have many family pics with everyone to post so stay tuned!! Baby Kingston is here and our lives are forever better!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The waiting game!

We've begun the waiting game. We have 5 weeks until our bundle of joy should arrive so the count down has arrived! Everything in mind is thought of as dates before and after the baby should be here. I feel like I spend all day doing some crazy math equation. Luckily this week was Laney's 3rd birthday so I had that to keep me busy!

Alfred stopped on the way home and got her a birthday cookie and a birthday cake. She was quite the Posh Dog that day. I still couldn't stop wondering how different her life would be this time next year when she had a little guy to follow everywhere! How different all of our lives would be. I know he is going to fit right in like he is already part of the family but it's hard to actually see him here in our lives. I feel like he's lived in me for 8.5 months but I still can't believe I'm going to be his mommy!! It's amazing and scary all at the same time. Alfred is so good taking care of Laney and I that I know he will be an amazing father and I hope I can teach Kingston the wonderful virtues my parents have instilled in me and that my sister has passed on to my nephews!! But I guess we have 5 weeks until we really get to find out!!

I'll leave you with a picture of Laney and her amazing birthday treat from her amazing daddy!
As the countdown continues!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Fat Feet in Little Shoes!!

I am now 5 and a half weeks from being a mommy and one of the many changes I've endured has been the swelling of my feet and legs! I looked down today and noticed that my fat feet were coming out of my little shoes!! So now not only have I endured the big belly, sleepless nights, runny nose, extreme heartburn and hard to find wardrobe I now have to deal with shoes that fit in the morning but don't fit by the time I go to sleep. I came to a breaking point the other day and had had enough. I was over all this. I was ready to throw in the towel and say I'm done with this. My feet were killing me, I felt like I was going to throw up and I had tried on my 4th outfit of the night. I sat on the bed and almost burst into tears but at that moment my son rolled from one side to the other and kicked me as if to say "I know this is rough mom but I'm here for you and it will all be over soon." Granted I still felt terrible but I was once again reminded that it's all worth it. Kingston will be here before I know it and all this will be thoughts of the past.

On a lighter note, we had a baby shower in his honor this weekend. My friends are once again so awesome. My friend Rosanna worked her butt off and made everything perfect! Her and Elizabeth got together and came up with the perfect cake and Elizabeth being the wonderful decorator that she is made it look perfect.
Our parents and our friends bought us wonderful gifts. Both inspirational and useful. We have had such a blast getting ready to be parents and most of that has been because of our wonderful friends who have been there to help us prepare for his arrival so here we are eight and a half months into our wonderful journey and we can't wait to meet Baby Kingston!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time has always been an event I hated! I hate to get up one hour early and be sleepy all day and I always hated that the bars closed one hour early on Saturday night when the clock jumped forward. There has just never been any good come of it. Until this year. I got home from work and Alfred was geared up and ready to take Laney to the park by our house and she knew she was going because he had her backpack of goodies all put together. I walked in and they ask if I wanted to go enjoy the extra hour of sunlight. And although I was a little sceptical because my feet hurt and I thought it was a bit cold I decided I didn't want to waste this one free hour they seemed so happy about. So I changed into my khakis and sweater with a hood and headed out with them. I have to admit it was really nice to unwind with sunshine and my family outside after a day at work. It's something we hadn't gotten to do since moving in the house.
And as you can see Laney had a blast chasing her ball! Which I highly recommend one of those chuck it toys. Where the ball is on the stick and you don't have to bend as much. This is a pregnant girls best friend. Although I was only able to last outside for about 20 minutes before the cold got to me I enjoyed my extra hour of daylight and when we got home I put our song on, For the Rest of My Life by Peter Moon and we danced as (I cried because of these dang hormones again), and had the start to a wonderful evening. Now it's time to go have some dinner settle in and get ready to go to bed I mean even if it was a great time I will still feel that loss of an hour tomorrow!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Lazy Day Off

This was supposed to be a HUGE weekend for us! We were going to Lexington to get our maternity pictures taken and then to Louisville for a fun Baby Shower and bowling with my friends. But instead snow covered the KY interstates and we got an unexpected day home together with nothing planned. We spent most of the morning napping and finally got enough energy to take Laney outside to play in the snow.

And yes I made her wear a coat but she didn't mind I promise....OK maybe she minded a little but it didn't stop her and Alfred from enjoying our snow covered back yard.

On Friday my work threw me a baby shower and I have to say they are the most awesome group of people to work with . They bought us our crib, mattress, baby monitors and several other small but very useful items. It was amazing! Alfred thought this unexpected day off would be a wonderful time to put the crib together. I was a little sceptical at first because I've heard crib horror stories. But I guess since he's had so much practice with the baby swing, play pin, highchair and stroller before this he was a pro and was able to put the crib together in about an hour and a half with no help from me!It's finally feeling real that we are bringing a baby home! I mean we've known about him for so long and we've been preparing but now that he actually has a room full of baby stuff from people who are going to love him I find myself being pulled into that room. I like to just sit in there and look at all of his little things and try to imagine that in about 6 weeks we will be bringing home a little guy who will change our lives forever. I wonder what his personality will be. Will he cry a lot? Will he be laid back and carefree like me or more of a planner like Alfred? What will his role be on this Earth? The possibilities are endless and I feel like I already know so much about him but I can't wait to see him and see the world thru his eyes. It will be amazing!

Monday, March 3, 2008

And away we go...

I thought I would finally jump into this blogging stuff! My friend Sarah has been blogging for sometime now and viewing her new updates is something I look forward to so I decided since both Alfred's and my families live so far away this would be a great way to keep everyone in the loop especially when Kingston gets here. For those of you who don't know us very well I'll give you the update. I am originally from Huntington WV and Alfred is originally from Macon GA we met in Nashville TN at a bar of all places. And I use the term bar loosely as it was more a hole in the wall. I showed up there to cap off the night with my friend after being out downtown and Alfred was there after work celebrating a friends birthday. I made fun of the fact that he was dressed up like a banker at midnight and we all started talking. I went to the bathroom and he told our friends that I was the kind of girl he had been looking for. Well I hadn't been looking for anyone but we exchanged numbers and I basically ignored him for days and then one day I was bored so I ask him out for a beer and we ended up spending 6 hours talking and drinking and playing naughty search and find at the bar. It was a blast and I knew this could be something special so I let him take me out again and again and again. I guess this is where they say the rest is history but for us I like to say the rest is just our beginning. Alfred and I were always meant to be family we just had to meet each other to realize what we both wanted out of life was nothing we ever expected. We are both turning 30 this year and neither of us ever wanted kids or to be married. But now that Kingston is on the way and we are planning an October wedding we both realize this is what we've always wanted we just hadn't found the right person. So yes it's been a busy year. We bought a house, got pregnant, decided to to get married and I have to say so far it's been the best year of our lives and we can't wait to see where our beginning takes us from here.