Monday, February 11, 2013

Things I Don't want to Forget

The boys were reminiscing in the car the other day about things Beckett used to say like "Beachy Ball" for Mickey Mouse and he called Kingston "TeeTee"!  This reminded me there are so many things I already forget and this breaks my heart! 

I want to remember that Beckett always prefers Daddy over mommy unless mommy is the only one available and that we have a game we play to get Beckett to kiss me where I pretend I don't want him to kiss me.  He always asks to sleep in the spare room before going to his room.  His favorite TV show is "Good Luck Charlie" and he will ask to watch it all day long.  He is obsessed with his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toy and gets angry if Kingston won't play with him. 

This post is short because I wanted to get down all the stuff I'm thinking of today that I'm afraid I'll forget!