Tuesday, April 14, 2020

COVID Diaries - GAC Scale

GAC - Give A Crap Scale - If I looked at your time journal what would appear to be high on your G.A.C. scale? Is it actually high for you? What would be low? During COVID what are you learning about the way you spend time/money/energy that will stick with you after this time period?

This assignment has been the toughest for me so far.  I've thought all day that nothing is really high on my GAC scale but as I'm sitting here at 6:30pm still working I realize that work is pretty high on my GAC scale.  I want to do a great job, I want to ensure all my employees are happy and safe, I want to have face to face hallway interactions as opposed to hearing some people through email only.  Today was a tough day at work for a multitude of reasons and I realized that on these tough days it's so nice to duck into my CTO's office and gripe for a minute or have my friend Jonna pop in and talk through my woes, or having my friend Jim tell me it's time to do something about my hair or popping into one of my neighbors offices to talk about our kiddos.  I miss going into the office.  That is probably an 8 on my GAC scale.

Personal appearance during non COVID is probably an 8 but during COVID it's a solid 2.  I want to wear clean clothes and not look too bad on video. Other than that I could care less.

At first I cared that my boys were watching too much TV and not coming out of their rooms very often.  Now that's about a 4.  I never wanted to be a teacher (except for one semester in college where I quickly realized it wasn't for me) so what makes me thing I would enjoy it now! I don't at all and I'm just not that into doing it.

Food and eating are always pretty high for me.  I have a fear of not having enough food (just ask anyone who knows me).  That is still a 9.

Time with Alfred has moved up on my scale.  It's always been about a 6 but now that we have spent so much time together and we are having so much time watching TV, walking etc.  It is probably a 8. I hate if he wants to do something without me.

Personal time is a 6 although I realized I'm not getting as much of that lately.

Exercise is an 8.  I really want to get exercise everyday and I enjoy it. 

How we spend money is usually a 10 on my GAC but during COVID we aren't really spending much so I've relaxed a little and I'm not logging into my bank account nearly as much as I usually do.  So I would say it's a solid 5 now.

My GAC scale is adjusting day to day and week to week.  Just as my anxiety adjusts day to day and week to week.  Yesterday I felt like I could stay in quarantine forever and be just fine.  Today I want out.

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