Friday, April 10, 2020

COVID Diaries

Leave it to a Global Pandemic for me to dust off the blog.  My friend Wendy gave an assignment to her class that will have them documenting this time in our lives.  At this point we've been social distancing for a full month.  Four weeks of working from home, 4 weeks of no school for the kids and 4 weeks of no face to face time with friends.  Some days are hard.  Some days I really miss my friends and my office at work and being able to run to the store to pick something up without fear of catching a virus and bringing it home.   Sometimes the fear I feel is paralyzing and not just for me but for our country. As you can imagine the need to stay in has really hurt small businesses. Most everyone I know has been financially impacted in some way.  But there are also a lot of good things.  I'm really enjoying our evening walks through the neighborhood, staying up late watching TV with Alfred, laughing with the boys in the middle of the work day, the Zoom calls that have allowed me to connect with so many people and so much more!   We just have a lot more time and that is something I'm not going to take for granted.  I hope over the next 4 weeks I can capture this weird time in our lives!  Today's assignment is 5 pictures that show what your life is like during this time period.  

Our church doesn't usually offer a virtual option, however, since we can't worship as a church family they have been having Facebook watch parties.  Every Sunday we get up and join other members at 9am for a Facebook watch party where our Pastor does a sermon, our musician blesses us with her amazing voice and our Children's director gives a message to the kids.  Since this is the Easter season we joined a virtual Maudy Thursday service compete with at home communion! 

This has been my work station for the past 4 weeks!  I love looking outside at the animals that come into my yard but sometimes being in the kitchen can get noisy.  Luckily Alfred has taken up shop in the bonus room and the boys both have desks in their rooms so we are separate during he day.

In my real everyday life I don't bake or cook much but my COVID life has led to a lot of baking and cooking.

We have broken out the board games and have been blessed with many beautiful days to play outside.

We've also taken up some home projects which makes  Kingston the most happy since he loves building and fixing stuff.

COVID life is something no one was prepared for and without knowing when it will end it is a little unnerving.  I hope to one day look back at this blog and remember what it was like to be in this weird time.

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