Wednesday, April 22, 2020

COVID Diaries - Failth

How (if at all) has Covid affected your spirituality and your faith? Has it impacted the way you worship and if so, how do you feel about that? What are some of the spiritual lessons you feel like you could learn from this moment in time?

COVID hasn't affected my Faith, however, I have noticed at my company more and more people are talking about religion.  Not in huge ways but they are letting their guard down and saying "I'll pray for them" when we find out someone was exposed to COVID.  It's been refreshing.

We typically go to church every Sunday morning but with the Stay at Home order church has been closed so we have been attending on-line church and on-line Sunday School. Kingston is attending on line youth and he has really enjoyed staying connected. I've enjoyed the virtual church on the couch with my family but I miss seeing everyone face to face.  I've really liked that our Sunday school has continued to meet via Zoom. It's so great to catch up with everyone.  This week I even got a text when Alfred and I were running a few minutes late asking if we were joining.  It's great to connect and have people checking on you. We have done communion at home a few times and that has been fun.  I realize that God is all around me and I don't need the building to worship but I sure do miss the

building and the people.

During this time the biggest lesson I've learned is that all things are out of my control. I'm a worrier and this time period has taught me not to worry so much.  Sure I worry about the virus but the loss of jobs but all I can do is try my best and hope for the best! 

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