Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy Week!

This has been a pretty busy week . Saturday Kingston and I did the Zoo Run 5K with our friends Natalina and Jojo. It was a wonderful time even if Kingston did decide to cry the entire time. Then again I don't know what I expected since he hates being cold and it was 34 degrees outside. It gave Natalina and I chance to catch up and chat and get out there and start moving! And we got to see parts of the zoo we hadn't seen before! It was a very fun day!

On Sunday Alfred, Kingston and I headed to Louisville to celebrate our friend Mary Ellen Baker's 2ND birthday at Gymboree! It was Kingston's first time there and we had a blast! Kingston got to do so many new things and Alfred and I got to see our Louisville friends so it was well worth the trip!

Monday night I headed to Bellvue to play Bunco for Breast Cancer we were able to raise $300 and had a great time in the process! I really need to post some pics of my bunco girls because they know how to have fun!

Today we are heading to Vandy so Kingston can see the urologist! Keep us in your prayers that everything is fine and he won't have to have surgery!! So far it has been a wonderful week and I would love to keep it that way!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Little bit of this little bit of that!

Just wanted to take a few minutes to post some pics from the week, before American Idol Louisville comes on!! On a side note I am so excited for this one since I lived there for 3 years and a lot of my girl friends still live there Louisville feels like home!! And Kingston who is a huge music fan loves American Idol, I'm talking will sit on our lap for the entire hour and watch! Now onto the pictures!

Kingston turning his walker into a play hut! He takes his toys under there and plays forever (which in baby world is 15 minutes)!
Eating a cracker while watching Caliou! He loves this show!
Alfred caught a picture of Kingston and I dancing around the house (which we often do)! Poor Kingston when he realizes what real singers and dancers sound and dance like he is going to be so disappointed in his mommy! But for now he loves it!!

Doing pretty good with this sippy cup thing!

He feeds himself most of the time now! Here he's eating a grilled cheese sandwich! (OK so it's melted cheese on 2 pieces of bread in the microwave) give me a break :)! Although this new development has freed up more of my time!

Other than loving our little boy we've had a busy week! I played Bunco with my Bunco group and went out to eat with my mommy and me group! We played poker with some friends on Friday and had a wonderful time! I'm walking in the Zoo 5K with Kingston, Natalina and JoJo on Saturday and I can't wait! Then on Sunday we are heading to Louisville for Mary Ellen's 2nd birthday party at Gymboree which I know Kingston will love! Hope you have a great weekend! I'll try to update on Sunday night!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baby Fight Club

Just a little update to let you know we're pretty sure Kingston has started his own fight club so if your children would like to join I know where the party's at at 3AM! Kingston has slept through the night since he was 4 months old with the exception of 3 nights. We hear him on occasion wake up and play but he stays in his crib without crying until I come in to get him at about 6:00AM. Well that hasn't changed but there have been a few differences. Last Thursday I went in to get him out of bed and there was dried blood in his hair and on his sheet, after looking him over I realized he had a scrape on his head (right beside his birthmark). I have no idea how this got there. I chalked it up to a one time occurrence that must have happened in his sleep that he didn't feel. Then Sunday morning I went in to get him up and he had blood on his hands, lips and teeth. What in the world? I wiped his hands off, no cuts. I wiped his lip and noticed it was busted! I'm clueless, I never hear a cry or anything come across the baby monitor so my only guess is that he's started his very own baby fight club! I hope this week is injury free!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Eller Happenings!

Last weekend my parents brought Kingston back after 4 long nights away. It was great to have them here and of course great to get Kingston back. Mom and I went bargain shopping where I got Kingston this really cool Elmo table for $2.50!
Mom and Dad also got to spend more time with Kingston which of course they all loved! I guess the previous 4 days weren't enough :)!
Thursday night Alfred had some friends from work over to watch the game. They had a blast! Alfred might have had too much fun since this is the picture they took right before they left! Then again his birthday was Friday so he deserved it!

And speaking of Alfred's birthday we went to Dave and Buster's for date night with some of our friends and I had such a good time I never even thought about taking my camera out. I have to thank our friend Rosanna for watching Kingston while we were out you are great and I will miss you if you move even if it is just to Spring Hill!

As for Kingston he's had a pretty good week!

Playing in his ball pit!

Greeting us after his naps!

Falling asleep with his bottle!

Helping mommy with the dishes!

Practicing his walking skills!

And of course being as cute as ever!

Thanks for checking in with us! Hope you have a great week!

Friday, January 2, 2009

The 3 R's of the New Year

Recycle, Run and Record. These are my New Year's Resolutions! I went to Lowe's yesterday and got bins to put in the garage, labeled them and scoped out the closest convenience center so now I have no excuse not to recycle. My parents have recycled since I was very small and I don't know why I got away from it but I'm hoping that Kingston will grow up thinking recycling is the only way!
As for running I will be starting that this weekend. I have to recover from my New Year's festivities before I can think too much about that :)!
Now on to recording. And no I don't mean music I mean life events. I am terrible about getting pictures printed, writing in Kingston's baby book and keeping a journal other than my on-line accounts so I've decided to make this my third R. I bought a journal at Target and put it by my bed so hopefully I will remember to write in it every night! I want to remember the small things that Kingston does that wouldn't necessarily be something I would share with the world but something that makes me smile! A look or a word or how much I love him. So hopefully I can convey these things in my journal!
As for saying bye to 2008 it was pretty hard because it was such a fabulous year! We had Kingston, got married, met great friends and grew up a lot!! I'm sure 2009 will be a blast and who knows there might just be another little Eller to ring in 2010 with! Happy New Year!