Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Beckett's Bio-37 Weeks Pregnant

It's been a little while since I've updated on my pregnancy with sweet Baby Beckett and I can't believe I am nearing the end of it. I have to admit my emotions are all over the place these days. On one hand I'm so excited to meet our sweet baby and not be pregnant anymore. On the other hand I'm a bit nervous. I've never juggled 2 kids full time. I know Kingston's likes and dislikes. Kingston has always been super easy what if Beckett's not? How will Beckett effect our family? How will Beckett effect Kingston? Am I really cut out to be a mother of 2? I know when the day arrives it's going to be perfect and all these things I fear will melt away and it will be as if Beckett has always belonged in our family. I know this because I had these same fears when I was pregnant with Kingston and the day he came into our lives every fear I'd had about him not fitting in melted in a second and it was as if we'd always been waiting on him. Even so, I can't help but fear the unknown once again but more of me can't wait to hold this little bitty person who I've grown to love so much over the last 9 months! It will be nothing short of amazing!

OK now that the emotional stuff is out of the way let's get onto the stats. I still have heartburn although it isn't it isn't as bad as it was due to the fact that Beckett has dropped. Although I'm starting to swell a little on and off it's not bad at all. I'm dilated to 1 but my that doesn't really mean much. Beckett is head down! Sleeping isn't all that bad here lately. I mean I still get up to pee 4 or 5 times but getting back to sleep isn't too bad. I'm outgrowing a lot of my maternity clothes but everyone says I'm all belly, it's just a BIG belly :)!! I still pick up Kingston and get on the floor to play although Alfred has taken over most of his baths! I waddle... a lot!!! I've gained a total of 26 pounds so I think I might just stay under 30. I walk as much as I can although that's becoming less and less lately. All in all it's going pretty well! I feel pregnant but it's really not too bad!

We are ready whenever Beckett is ready to meet us and we can't believe it's so close!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Kingston Chronicles - 2 Years Old

It's hard to believe it's been 2 years since this! To celebrate such a big day we decided to head to the park and have a picnic! Kingston loves the park and had a blast sliding over and over. I can't believe what a grown up guy he is! We are so proud to be his parents! Yesterday we had his Birthday party at Gymboree in Cool Springs and he loved every minute of it!
He had so many friends that came out to help him celebrate! And his GiGi and PaPa even made the trek from Macon. At his party he got to do things like blow bubbles, play with a parachute, eat a cookie cake, play on toys with his friends and sing a lot! He had such a wonderful time!

Afterward we decided since it was so beautiful out we would head to East Nashville for Ice Cream at Pied Piper our favorite little ice cream shop! Kingston loves it because there is so much for kids to do there!

All this fun made for one tired little 2 year old! He was out cold before we ever made it back home!

It is such a pleasure being Kingston's mom! His aunt Amanda said it best when she said he is such a delight! He really is! He wakes up every morning singing and so so happy! He listens very well as far as 2 year olds go :)! He loves all things cars and trucks, Barney, American Idol, singing into anything that resembles a microphone at the top of his lungs in true performer style and by that I mean he tosses his hand in the air and really gets down, dancing! He isn't fond of salmon or grape fruit but will pretty much eat anything else you put in front of him. He will eat blueberries by the case if you let him and asks for a cookie all day long, and no we don't give them to him all the time he just asks! He prefers water over milk. He loves his mommy and daddy unless Mimi is around then we are chopped liver. He loves playing dress up and being the center of attention. He sleeps great anywhere and will fall asleep just about anywhere he's sleepy! He loves being outside and screams when we bring him in! He is the youngest member of Music City Runner's and treats everybody in the group like they are his best friend. Like I said it's such a delight being this little guys mom! I can't believe he's 2 but it's been the best 2 years of my life and although I'm sad he's growing up so fast but I can't wait to see all he has in store for this world! Mommy and Daddy love you very much Kingston and we can't wait to see how wonderful you are with your little brother, Beckett!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kingston Chronicles

It has been awhile, OK a long while since I've updated on what my adorable almost 2 year old has been doing! So let's just jump right into it. Yesterday was St. Patty's Day, I had to go back to work so Alfred and Kingston spent the day running errands and playing outside. It was beautiful here and they had a great time. When I got home I joined them! It was a great evening and we've really enjoyed having the extra hour of daylight! This past weekend Alfred and I went to Gatlinburg for our annual friend trip and Kingston went to Mimi and papa's to be spoiled rotten and spend time with his cousins. 2 of my sisters 3 boys and Kingston were all born in March so they decided to have a March boy birthday party. Of course the March boys didn't mind letting our January baby, Corey, in on the fun!! According to Mimi the party was a success and they had a blast!
While visiting Kingston and Corey thought it would be fun to put dish towels on there heads and pretend they were hats! I love the imagination of a kid! They did this for about half an hour and had a great time!

Kingston spent most of the weekend getting Papa to take him outside so he could play with the dogs but most of all so he could splash in a mud puddle and get filthy! He cried every time they tried to bring him in!

Of course he had to earn his keep while he was there by helping Mimi cook! Looks to me like he's doing a lot more eating then he is cooking.

We loved having some time alone before Beckett arrives and we were very thankful that Mimi and papa got to spend so much quality time with Kingston but it sure is nice to be home and since it's been so beautiful outside we've been hurrying home from work and hitting the backyard until the sun goes down. Kingston thinks it's just great!

Sorry it's been so long! I'm going to try to do quite a few updates on the Ellers this week! We've been really busy and with only 4.5 weeks left until Kingston gets a baby brother we've been busy doing a lot of preparing! It's still great to be an Eller!!