Thursday, April 16, 2020

COVID Diaries - Silent Solitary Reflection

I've been practicing meditation with the Headspace and Whil Apps for over a year and I've gotten pretty good at clearing my mind with meditation that is led but just clearing my mind is tough. 

I decided to do this after work so I could clear my mind.  The night before the bar tender served me a tad too much wine.  ( was me I'm the bartender).  I didn't feel terrible but I wasn't my best self so I  thought a moment of reflection...or 10 would be great. Because there are people everywhere in my house and it was chilly outside all the comfy sitting places were occupied so I decided to go to my bed and  .  I set my timer, laid back and closed my eyes.

 Am I supposed to be sitting is that what the directions said.  Is it cheating if I lay down.  Am I going to fall asleep.  Of crap I'm biting my lip...relax.  I wish I could stop and write down my thoughts because it will be hard to remember them.  Crap I forgot to register for my classes today.  I hope the 2 classes I have to have aren't taken.  I am supposed to thinking about COVID?  I should have read the instructions again before I started.  If I clear my mind I will have nothing to write about.  Relax your feet, relax you leg, relax your arms, crap I'm biting my lip again. Then the timer went off and jolted me from a very peaceful state and I was super confused by what was happening and why my timer was going off.....crap I must have fallen asleep.

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