Saturday, April 18, 2020

COVID Diaries - Entertainment

During Covid how has your entertainment changed? Write about what you are watching and listening to. What has shaped your choice? What tv show, book, etc. will remind you of this time? How has what you are consuming connected you to those around you?

Typically on Pre Covid mornings I would get the family out the door at 6:45 and then I do laundry, eat breakfast, get ready while watching a TV show.  I listen to a book or podcast on my way to work.  We watch a family show as we eat dinner. Alfred and I watch a show after the boys have gone to bed.  On Fridays we take turns picking a family movie and ordering pizza. We occasionally play a board game.

Now I get out of bed, log on and start working so there is no morning TV.  My commute is a short walk to the kitchen so I don't have time to listen to a podcast or my book.  We were doing movie night every night but lately we've chosen to play board games instead and then Alfred and I stay up until midnight or 1 watching a show together.  We started out with Season 3 of Ozark and have transitioned to MindHunter (both of which are great). We have been listening to episodes of Imagined Life while we painted our baseboards and rearranged our attic.  We have started playing our wii again and taking a lot of walks. I also purchased a Passion Planner so I've spend some time reflecting on what my Post Covid life will look like.

As for ways to connect this journal has been wonderful! I look forward to reading everyone's posts and seeing what they are doing, how they are holding up and validating that some days are just harder than others.  I also have morning coffee with a group of work friends and Friday Happy Hour with a group of friends that I look forward to. I'm still calling and talking to mom, although not nearly enough so when we do catch up it can end up being an hour on the phone.

The board games are what I think I will most remember. We have a plan to play through all 50 plus games and decide the keepers. Beckett is not a gracious loser so many nights end with yelling and hateful words followed by laughter and healing. Controlling emotions is the skill Bex most needs to work on and we have so much time right now to work on that!

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