Thursday, August 27, 2009

Don't Stop Believing!

This past weekend Alfred and I drove to Louisville to see Journey at the Kentucky State Fair for our Annual concert with our Louisville friends!! We had a blast! And we had great seats!

I even got to sing along with some of my favorite songs!

My wonderful mom drove up to watch Kingston and my friend Annie's 3 kids! Abby her oldest had a blast pushing Kingston through the neighborhood in the stroller!

And all this hanging out made for a tired mommy and Kingston!

I hope you all have a great weekend. Kingston is having his surgery tomorrow morning and I'm super nervous but I've put my confidence in our wonderful Lord and I know he will take care of my little baby! I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Kingston Chronicles

This weekend while Alfred had to work Kingston and I went to Louisville for our friend Gavin's 1st Birthday Party. The birthday boy had a blast eating cake, playing with his new toys and hanging out with friends and family!
Kingston had a great time too! He rode, or pushed, all of Gavin's toys everywhere he went!

And we discovered Kingston is a HUGE fan of the slip and slide, of course there shouldn't have been any doubt since he loves all things water!

And speaking of things he loves let's hope he loves sharing come April 20th!