Monday, January 25, 2010

Beckett's Bio-28 Weeks Pregnant

Could I really be 28 weeks already??? It doesn't seem like I should already this far along! I had my gestational diabetes test this morning and got to hear Beckett's wonderful heartbeat! I've managed to gain another 7 pounds which brings my grand total to 19 pounds which according to my doc is right where I'm supposed to be, but I'm not so sure-this belly looks pretty big! Since I lost so much weight in the beginning with morning sickness I've finally caught up. I have terrible heartburn and can't get enough crushed ice. And I would eat my weight in Little Debbie Nutty Bars if I didn't stop myself! I did a 5K Zoo Run (waddle) this weekend and I was really proud of myself. I didn't set any records but I finished it and didn't feel bad at all. I'm glad I'm still working out and I'm hoping it will make the transition after the baby a lot easier. With Kingston my knees killed me when I tried to get back into running. As for other Beckett news we have officially started working on his room. We still have some furniture to move out of there but we have made some progress. The great thing about this being #2 is we already have pretty much everything we need. I'm at the point in my pregnancy where I start going to the doctor every 2 weeks which is just fine with me since that means I get to hear his little heartbeat twice as much!!

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