Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beckett's Bio-30 Weeks Pregnant

I'm at that emotional time in pregnancy when you realize every thing's about to change and it' s very exciting but very scary at the same time. I know I just had a baby 2 years ago but I already forget what it was really like. I don't carry a diaper bag anymore, I don't worry about packing stuff for Kingston to eat or to keep him entertained. I'm about to start all of that over and it's a little scary but mostly very exciting because once again I will get to stare at sweet baby feet all day long and I will get to cuddle for hours on end while a little tiny dude sleeps on my chest. It is pure joy and long nights and so worth every minute.
This has been an eventful week for Beckett and me, I got maternity pictures taken and of course they are all about Beckett :)!! We had a great photographer Sara Rose take them. She came to our house and we had a blast hanging out and taking pictures and she had so many wonderful idea! It really was a fun day and here's just one of many of the great pictures she took of my sweet Baby Beckett in his first home!!

I also had a doctors appointment this week. I'm up another 3 pounds in weight which brings the grand total to 22 so far! According to my doctor I am still right on track so I'm not all that worried. My appetite has finally leveled out and I'm not ravenous to eat everything in sight so hopefully my weight gain will slow down a bit. I got to hear the sweet sound of Beckett's heartbeat again which is always nothing short of amazing.
Beckett is already so different from his big brother. He is a mover and a shaker. When I was pregnant with Kingston he moved and kicked but it wasn't an all day event he was very laid back even in the womb but Beckett is a mover. He moves at times in a way that makes me feel like I'm on a roller coaster! I love feeling him move and kick and squirm! I feel so much better at this point in pregnancy than I did with Kingston. I didn't realize with Kingston that it could be different so I didn't realize I was feeling so run down. My iron is low again this time but not nearly as bad as it was with Kingston although I'm starting to eat ice at an irrational rate again and driving Alfred crazy :)!! And so far I haven't started swelling like I did with Kingston and hopefully that will remain the case for the next 10 weeks!

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