Friday, January 8, 2010

Beckett's Bio - 26 Weeks Pregnant

This is the first Baby Eller 2 Post where we've actually known his name! Beckett John Eller! We knew his middle name would be John because it is Alfred's dads name but we could not come up with a first name, we looked at about 4000! Then my sister called and said how about Beckett! I loved it! I was certain Alfred would hate it but when I ran it by him he thought it was perfect. We slept on it, couldn't get it out of our heads and just knew that was supposed to be his name. As it turns out that mom was named after a lady whose last name was Beckett which cemented this even more in our minds. It is so awesome to finally have a name for our little boy!

I also had a doctors appointment this week and we got to hear Sweet Baby Beckett's heartbeat which never ever gets old! Everything else seems to be going rather well too. I've only gained 12 pounds total, although, I'm really showing now and there is no doubt I'm pregnant. I also have really bad heartburn again just like I did with Kingston so if the Old Wives Tail is true yet again Beckett should have a head full of hair just like his brother had. I feel him move all the time which is something else that never gets old, and I know from last time is something I will miss very much for months to follow.

I can't believe I'm already 26 weeks pregnant. Time has flown by with this pregnancy. I'm trying to take it all in because I'm 99.9% sure this will be the last but it's so difficult when I have a toddler to chase and laugh at and play with! I'm able to sit back and enjoy this pregnancy a little more and not worry so much. I don't worry about every pain and every symptom but at the same time I know what's coming this time around. With the waddling and the uncomfortable sleeping. And who knows maybe I'll even get to experience the last 5 weeks this go around. I already love Beckett so much and I can't wait to meet him but for now I really am enjoying having him all to myself because I know that will be over in a few short months and I will miss it.

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