Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Busy Week!

This has been a pretty busy week . Saturday Kingston and I did the Zoo Run 5K with our friends Natalina and Jojo. It was a wonderful time even if Kingston did decide to cry the entire time. Then again I don't know what I expected since he hates being cold and it was 34 degrees outside. It gave Natalina and I chance to catch up and chat and get out there and start moving! And we got to see parts of the zoo we hadn't seen before! It was a very fun day!

On Sunday Alfred, Kingston and I headed to Louisville to celebrate our friend Mary Ellen Baker's 2ND birthday at Gymboree! It was Kingston's first time there and we had a blast! Kingston got to do so many new things and Alfred and I got to see our Louisville friends so it was well worth the trip!

Monday night I headed to Bellvue to play Bunco for Breast Cancer we were able to raise $300 and had a great time in the process! I really need to post some pics of my bunco girls because they know how to have fun!

Today we are heading to Vandy so Kingston can see the urologist! Keep us in your prayers that everything is fine and he won't have to have surgery!! So far it has been a wonderful week and I would love to keep it that way!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the pictures! You guys look so great in your running gear.
Yay for Kingston and Jo Jo for hanging in there (and their mommies, too).