Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Baby Fight Club

Just a little update to let you know we're pretty sure Kingston has started his own fight club so if your children would like to join I know where the party's at at 3AM! Kingston has slept through the night since he was 4 months old with the exception of 3 nights. We hear him on occasion wake up and play but he stays in his crib without crying until I come in to get him at about 6:00AM. Well that hasn't changed but there have been a few differences. Last Thursday I went in to get him out of bed and there was dried blood in his hair and on his sheet, after looking him over I realized he had a scrape on his head (right beside his birthmark). I have no idea how this got there. I chalked it up to a one time occurrence that must have happened in his sleep that he didn't feel. Then Sunday morning I went in to get him up and he had blood on his hands, lips and teeth. What in the world? I wiped his hands off, no cuts. I wiped his lip and noticed it was busted! I'm clueless, I never hear a cry or anything come across the baby monitor so my only guess is that he's started his very own baby fight club! I hope this week is injury free!


Anonymous said...

The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club.

Rachel E said...

At least he's obeying the rules!

Sir Stew, First Knight of the Berkshires said...

Does he like to make soap?