Friday, January 2, 2009

The 3 R's of the New Year

Recycle, Run and Record. These are my New Year's Resolutions! I went to Lowe's yesterday and got bins to put in the garage, labeled them and scoped out the closest convenience center so now I have no excuse not to recycle. My parents have recycled since I was very small and I don't know why I got away from it but I'm hoping that Kingston will grow up thinking recycling is the only way!
As for running I will be starting that this weekend. I have to recover from my New Year's festivities before I can think too much about that :)!
Now on to recording. And no I don't mean music I mean life events. I am terrible about getting pictures printed, writing in Kingston's baby book and keeping a journal other than my on-line accounts so I've decided to make this my third R. I bought a journal at Target and put it by my bed so hopefully I will remember to write in it every night! I want to remember the small things that Kingston does that wouldn't necessarily be something I would share with the world but something that makes me smile! A look or a word or how much I love him. So hopefully I can convey these things in my journal!
As for saying bye to 2008 it was pretty hard because it was such a fabulous year! We had Kingston, got married, met great friends and grew up a lot!! I'm sure 2009 will be a blast and who knows there might just be another little Eller to ring in 2010 with! Happy New Year!

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