Saturday, December 20, 2008

If These Walls Could Talk!

One year ago today with shaky hands the dotted line was signed, a 30 year commitment was made and we became homeowners! When Alfred called and reminded me of this little fact this morning I quickly thought back to the memories that have already been made here. This is where we moved in on Christmas day last year (thanks mom and dad),had our first party on New Year's Eve with very little furniture, where my water broke, where we brought Kingston home from the hospital, where Alfred proposed for real on my birthday in front of the kitchen sink, where we came home for the first time as a married couple, the house we learned to become parents in!! And even the small things like the nights we've stayed up just the 2 of us playing uno or scrabble or the wii, the mornings when we lay in bed laughing at the sounds Kingston's making across the hall, the visits from our friends! It's unbelievable how much fun, excitement, heartache, love and overall emotion can be felt in one year in one house. If these walls could talk I'm sure they'd have a crazy story to tell about the Ellers! I can't predict weather we will live her for the next 29 years of our mortgage but I do know that if we don't one day we will drive back here with our family and share the stories this house will be able to tell!

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