Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kingston Chronicles

So what has our busy little 2 year old been up to the last few weeks! Well Mimi and Papaw came to visit 2 weekends ago so that Alfred and I could go out for my birthday but more about that in a later post because we had a blast :)!! While they were here we took them to love circle to show them both the view and our hill repeat running route. It was a little foggy and rainy but we had a good time anyway.

Kingston really enjoys love circle every time we go he loves running around up there! Of course he really enjoys running around anywhere so I'm not surprised!

When it was time for mom and dad to leave, the boys and I decided to head back to Ohio with them so we could go to Camden Park with Kingston's cousins and hang out for a few days. He had a blast and Mimi and Papaw took an opportunity to get there picture taken with both boys!
Kingston went to Camden Park last year but this is the first time he actually rode a roller coaster. The Little Dipper is for kids but it has quite a few dips and turns. Kingston wasn't a big fan. It threw him all over the car and he hated when it went down hill. It was just a bit too much for him although when it was over he said "Yay" and clapped. We also discovered on this trip that he hates any ride that spins really fast and pretty much hates the carousel although he loved it last year. He did however love playing in the water puddles!!
At mom and dad's Kingston and dad found a frog. Kingston loved playing with it. He put it in his little riding car and carried it everywhere. Dad and Kingston let it swim in the bathtub. Finally we let it go and he watched it hop away. It's always good to go back home for a little while and Kingston loves walking everywhere with dad and playing with the animals.

We also have very big news this week!! Someone has decided they want to use the potty!! I'm not really ready for this. I like the security of diapers but he keeps taking his diaper off and going at daycare so I decided it was time to buy big boy underwear and get this process started. We aren't jumping totally in just yet but we are getting our feet wet. He tells me he has to go but doesn't always tell me in time and I'm still working out the details of how to handle this in public but I'm hoping to really get this done in the next few weeks. He's ready mommy just has to get there. He sure is proud though!
Kingston's really been a big help with Beckett. He even fed him half a bottle today with only a little direction from me. He is very good to him. When he's at daycare apparently he "calls" Beckett on the phone and he can't wait to see him when we pick him up. He's a great Bubba!!

As you can see Kingston's been really busy this week and so have the rest of the Eller clan but it's been a blast! I hope you all are getting out and enjoying this wonderful weather!

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