Friday, May 14, 2010

A Day at the Zoo!

I haven't been a very good blogger lately probably because my days are taken up chasing a 2 year old and loving on my sweet 1 month old as well as volunteering to help with flood victims and flood clean up every chance I get! However, prior to the flood hitting Nashville we had one of our best times ever at the Nashville Zoo. My friend Elizabeth posted on facebook that they were going if anyone wanted to join and before we knew it there were 4 moms from the moms group there with their kids. That's what so great about our little group, you can always find people to hang out with! Here are some pictures from that day!

It was Beckett's 1st Zoo visit and we was actually awake for quite a bit of it and was a great baby!!

Daddy and Kingston playing in the bamboo!! Kingston loves doing this and I'm pretty sure daddy does too!

Kingston and Madeline in the Bamboo!

Riley and Kingston, yes we spent quite a bit of time playing in the bamboo!

The kiddos at the petting zoo!!
It was such a great day!! It's so wonderful to have friends with kids the same age as ours so we can build these memories together! Stay tuned for a Beckett's Bio our 1 month old is up to a lot these days!

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