Sunday, May 16, 2010

Beckett's Bio- The Sleeping edition!

Tomorrow Beckett will be 5 weeks old!! It's hard to believe it's already been 5 weeks! According to our bathroom scale he is already 11 pounds even! I checked Kingston's baby book to do a comparison and Kingston weighted 10 pounds 9 oz. at 8 weeks so it seems we have a chunk on our hands! The other day I walked into the kitchen and back into the living room and Kingston had put my cell phone in Beckett's hand! They are already so cute together.
Beckett loves to sleep as most babies do at this age!! It seems that while he sleeps he gets a lot of his thinking done!

Of course Beckett's favorite place to sleep is on a parent or on anyone for that matter.
Or on his play mat when he's supposed to be doing tummy time!!

Or in his co sleeper in mommy and daddy's room!!

Although he sleeps quite a bit he is starting to stay awake for longer periods of time and it is great getting to actually spend some time with him awake. He is starting to get into a schedule with his sleeping. He typically eats at 10:00 or 11:00 before I go to sleep and wakes up about 2:30 or 3:30 and then again about 7:00 so it hasn't been too bad. During the day he takes short naps on and off but typically takes a long nap from 11:00 until 2:00 which is perfect because this is Kingston's nap time. He sleeps in a bassinet or a co sleeper at night in our room. During the day he naps in his crib and does very well. In a few weeks we will make the transition to his room at night. It will probably be really easy for Beckett and really tough for mommy. All in all Beckett is a very easy baby! He rarely cries and goes with the flow. He is really laid back just like Kingston was. He is taking his first 6 hour road trip tomorrow with Kingston and I to go visit my family in WV. I'm confident the trip will go well because so far he loves riding in the car! I'll keep you updated!

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