Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kingston Chronicles

It has been awhile, OK a long while since I've updated on what my adorable almost 2 year old has been doing! So let's just jump right into it. Yesterday was St. Patty's Day, I had to go back to work so Alfred and Kingston spent the day running errands and playing outside. It was beautiful here and they had a great time. When I got home I joined them! It was a great evening and we've really enjoyed having the extra hour of daylight! This past weekend Alfred and I went to Gatlinburg for our annual friend trip and Kingston went to Mimi and papa's to be spoiled rotten and spend time with his cousins. 2 of my sisters 3 boys and Kingston were all born in March so they decided to have a March boy birthday party. Of course the March boys didn't mind letting our January baby, Corey, in on the fun!! According to Mimi the party was a success and they had a blast!
While visiting Kingston and Corey thought it would be fun to put dish towels on there heads and pretend they were hats! I love the imagination of a kid! They did this for about half an hour and had a great time!

Kingston spent most of the weekend getting Papa to take him outside so he could play with the dogs but most of all so he could splash in a mud puddle and get filthy! He cried every time they tried to bring him in!

Of course he had to earn his keep while he was there by helping Mimi cook! Looks to me like he's doing a lot more eating then he is cooking.

We loved having some time alone before Beckett arrives and we were very thankful that Mimi and papa got to spend so much quality time with Kingston but it sure is nice to be home and since it's been so beautiful outside we've been hurrying home from work and hitting the backyard until the sun goes down. Kingston thinks it's just great!

Sorry it's been so long! I'm going to try to do quite a few updates on the Ellers this week! We've been really busy and with only 4.5 weeks left until Kingston gets a baby brother we've been busy doing a lot of preparing! It's still great to be an Eller!!

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