Thursday, June 25, 2009

15 Month Update

Kingston turned 15 months old yesterday and it just so happened that his 15 month appointment fell was on the actual day:

Official Stats:

Weight 21.63 lbs 12.72 percentile
Height 29.5 in. 9.08 percentile
Head 18.5 45.2 percentile

He is such a cool little dude. I know I say this all the time but it's so true. He is so laid back. He rarely, if ever cries. He laughs all the time and gets the most of life. Ocean, no big deal I'll jump in, pool-dunk me I love it!
His favorite things right now are bubbles, all things water and dancing! He dances constantly to anything that sounds like a beat. He even got voted toddler with the most rhythm in his day care class! He loves watching So you think you can dance, Barney and Sesame Street.
He currently has 10 teeth and loves to show you his big smile any chance he gets. He eats everything you put in front of him, we haven't found anything he hates. He loves to flirt with the ladies and when we go out and eat he spends most of the time hamming it up for the server. He still doesn't say very many actual words. Mama, dada, papa, uh-oh is about all we get but he sure thinks he can say a lot and talks all the time!
He walks everywhere and is becoming more and more independant. He climbs stairs but has no clue how to get back down :)! He closes everything. a door or cabinet can't be open or he has to shut it! This is such a neat time in our lives. I don't want to forget the giggles, the firsts, the squeals of excitement with everything new! It is so awesome being Kingston's mom, I am in awe of him everyday!

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