Monday, June 1, 2009

One Crazy Weekend!

My parents were nice enough to come down this weekend and keep Kingston while Alfred and I did the Muddy Buddy on Sunday. My mom finally talked me into letting her trim Kingston' hair to get it out of his face. It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be and I didn't even cry! Kingston was a bit squirmy though. Stay tuned for a picture of the finished product later in the week! I will say he is still one handsome little guy!

Now on to the main event of the weekend. Alfred and I woke up at 5:00AM and headed to Cheatham County to compete in the Muddy Buddy as Team Ralph (Get it Alfred and Rachel :)! It was a packed house.
We finished the race in about 1 hour 40 minutes which wasn't a great time but we didn't come in last and we finished which on leg 3 where I had to push my bike up a 1/2 mile 9 degree hill I wondered if even that would happen. But we did it and the obstacles were a blast and not as hard as I thought they would be.
Here's me crawling under the net at obstacle 3!
The best part for me was getting to do this with Alfred and knowing that no matter how long it took me to finish he would be waiting for me cheering me on and ready to jump in the mud pit together! Of course the Red Hook Beer Garden at the end wasn't bad either!

And when it was all over we got to come home to our biggest fan!


Anonymous said...

k, ready to see that haircut!
Love the Muddy Buddy pics!!!

Anonymous said...

OK Rachel, I updated gilliam life, time for a new Just Us post!!! We miss you, too!