Thursday, May 26, 2011

Beckett's Bio-12 Month Check Up

We tried to get the 12 month check up taken care of a month ago but Beckett was running a fever so the well visit became a sick visit and everything else was rescheduled for today. By everything else I mean height, weight, head circumference, eye exam, general exam oh yea and 3 shots :(! I'm lucky, since Alfred's weekday schedule is a little more flexible than mine he's the one that gets to deal with most of the doc visits and today was no exception! Of course I expect a full report the moment they leave :)!

The vitals:

Head Circumference: 18.41 53.79%
Weight 21 lbs 21.47%
Height 29 3/4 in 35.12%

Beckett wouldn't sit still long enough for them to get a picture of his eyes for the eye exam, he was too interested in the machine that was taking the pictures. They were going to keep trying but since we already have a great pediatric eye doctor due to Kingston's astigmatism and he is due for a check up in June Alfred decided we would just take Beckett for his first eye exam then too!
Alfred explained to Kingston on the way to the doctor that Bubba was going to be getting shots and Kingston would have to be strong so Bubba wouldn't get scared. When the nurse came in to give Beckett shots Kingston kept saying "Bubba you are doing so good, you are being so brave" and encouraging him. Beckett of course cried a little when she gave him the shots but Alfred said for the most part he did great!
As for everything else Dr. Collins said he's right on target. He's still not walking but apparently that's not a big deal. He says a few things! His newest thing is to say "Bye Bye" and wave very dramatically! He loves to give kisses! He can get from room to room very quickly and can climb stairs like a pro! He puts everything in his mouth including dog bones and mulch!!
Beckett sees the pediatric urologist that did his surgery next week. We are hoping to get some definite answers as to weather or not he will be having surgery again. I hope every thing isfine just taking it's sweet old time but to be honest I'm a little skeptical so keep us in your prayers next week! I hated him going through surgery the first time and I know if he has to have it again I will once again be a basket case!
All in all we have an awesome little dude that is growing up faster than we are ready for but it's amazing watching him turn into a toddler!!

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