Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Beckett John You are 1!

Again I'm a little behind on the birthday post and you've been 1 for a few weeks now. I was trying to wait until you went for your 1 year appointment but that is taking forever and I can't wait to tell the world how wonderful my little boy is so here we go! I can't believe how fast a year has flown by. You are so amazing. I was terrified when I was pregnant with you because we had it so easy with your brother, I knew you were going to be the baby that cried all the time, wouldn't sleep and would be a picky eater but you are none of these things. You are a parents dream. You always sleep through the night even when you're sick or teething. You adjust to things as if they don't bother you at all. Your teachers at daycare said you transitioned quicker than any toddler they've had. You had no problem going from your crib to the cot and you eat your meals at the little table like you've always been doing it (sometimes it's a bit messy but you love to eat). You cry some mornings when mommy drops you off but you are over it by the time I drop your brother off and walk back by the door. I took your bottle at 11 months and you did pretty good from day 1. Mommy only gave in once when you kept throwing the sippy cup back at me and screaming at me but after that you took to the sippy no problem and haven't looked back. You are still a thumb sucker but you only do it when you are sleepy! I think it's cute but I know from trying to break your brother of the habit we have a long road ahead of us but I'm not too worried, we will get through it.
You aren't walking on your own yet but you cruise from thing to thing and you love to walk around if someones holding your fingers. You love to slam small doors (ie. the entertainment center, kitchen cabinets etc.) If we can't find you we just wait a second and we will hear where you are. You have gotten very good at crawling upstairs, especially when your brother is up there playing and you want to be up there. You love your dog Laney and you follow her from room to room and laugh anytime she pays attention to you. You still adore your brother and the two of you are starting to play together and I love it. You two sit at the dinner table cracking each other up, then of course mommy and daddy start cracking up and before you know it we are having the best time. You will eat just about anything. I haven't found anything yet that you hate. Your favorites are any kind of bread, pasta, apple sauce, yogurt, bananas and just about any kind of fruit we put in front of you.
You say a few things like mama, dada, bubba, Laney and you repeat a ton of sounds. We are trying to get you to use signs but you don't seem very interested. I think you've figured out that even if you don't sign we are going to give you whatever you want.
You have 6 teeth and 2 more are currently coming in. You have to have your teeth brushed and you get so excited when you see the tooth brush. In that respect I guess you are your mommies kid.
Everyone comments all the time on how handsome you are and how beautiful your eyes are. They are still blue but they have a green tint to them and since daddy and MiMi both have green eyes yours might just end up green.
You are pretty stubborn. You always want to sit in the front of the bath tub and if Kingston is sitting there you crawl over him and knock him out of the way. If you want to eat you crawl to your high chair and grunt loudly until someone gets you food. Mommy sings you a song she made up and if I'm singing it and I stop you look at me and grab my mouth until I start again. You are very good at letting us know what you want and making sure it gets done when you want it to get done.
We celebrated your first birthday at Pie in The Sky Pizza and you loved it. So many great friends came out to help you celebrate. You ate pizza and cake and then fell asleep in Mimi's lap. It was so so cute!
I could go on and on about you Bex because your dad I love you so so much!! I know this next year is going to fly by and you are going to do so many new and interesting things and although I am super excited to watch all these things take shape I'm also super sad that my little baby is growing up. We are so truly blessed that you are in our lives Beckett! Your giggles melt our hearts and your smile lights up our house! You are a one of a kind amazing child and I'm glad I get to call you my son!!

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