Friday, December 24, 2010

Beckett's Bio-8.5 months!

Well my sweet angel it's hard to believe you are 8 1/2 months old. Where has the time gone? You can roll everywhere you want to go! You get up on all fours like your going to crawl but you haven't done it yet!! Yesterday you finally got your first tooth. Your poor gums have been swollen for weeks so we have been patiently waiting and finally yesterday you got a tooth. and it was Festivus so what perfect timing!! We are about to celebrate your first Christmas and mommy and daddy are so super super excited!! I weighed you on our bathroom scale yesterday and you weigh 21 pounds! You currently eat between 24 and 32 ounces of formula and you eat solids 3 meals a day. You love waffles, your favorite baby food is anything with mangoes, and you would eat your weight in yogurt. You just this week started feeding yourself puffs and shredded cheese but it really frustrates you and you would rather have us do it for you most of the time! You practice drinking water from a sippy cup and you do pretty good. Anytime mommy, daddy or Kingston is eating you try to pull whatever it is out of our hands, it's super funny! You had surgery at 6 months old to repair a hernia and some other issues and you did great! You were a little confused when you woke up from surgery and you were screaming but as soon as you saw mammy and daddy and we got to hold you, you were fine again. You healed wonderfully and so far it looks like everything was successful, We won't know for sure until after your 1st birthday. We celebrated your 1/2 birthday with a 1/2 cake and you loved cake!! You had a great time celebrating with us!! You had your first earache 2 weeks ago and you got fifths disease which is basically a rash that looks like someone slapped you on your face and body that goes away in about 48 hours. Through it all you continued to sleep through the night and you weren't fussy at all. You really are a great baby. You say "Dada" and "buba" all the time. You dance every time music is on and you LOVE to flirt with the ladies!! You are an absolute joy to have around!! We love you so much and can not wait to see how you like your first Christmas!

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