Well sweet boy you are 2 Years and 3 months old and you are a funny funny little dude!! You have grown up so much in the last 3 months. Partly I'm sure because you're not the baby anymore but also because you are learning to do so many new things. The biggest change we've seen has been your vocabulary. You can say complete sentences and any word you want. For the first time you don't just repeat what we say you actually have thoughts and express those. And boy do you express those opinions, you talk from the time your feet hit the ground in the morning until your head hits the pillow at night! You say "I like that, or I not like that" about everything! You are really funny!
Mommy has had the pleasure of staying home with you for 12 weeks while on maternity leave and we have gotten so close. You are my best little friend. We do so much together. We hang out outside a lot, we do art projects, we dance in the living room with our Beckett's (mine being the real Beckett, yours being mommy's cabbage patch which Mimi gave to you and you pretend is your Beckett), we made up a dance routine because that's how we roll :) and you remember all 32 counts of it,we call it Oh My Goodness because there are some spots where mommy lifts you up and you say "Oh my Goodness", we cook dinner and you have actually gotten very good at stirring and scooping and staying away from the oven, we take care of Beckett, we do laundry which you love to help with, we go shopping and to the lake, we meet friends for lunch and play dates, we do workouts and you even use little cans of tomato paste as your weights, you love when people come to visit especially Jodi! We watch videos on YouTube, you love ACDC and can't stand Nirvana, you could listen to Cold Play as long as I let you watch Chris Martin play the piano, we watch the Swagger Wagon video more times than should probably be allowed and every time the commercial comes on TV you say it's my Swagger Wagon Family. I have loved being home with you and although I'm very sad to go back to work I know you have a good time hanging out with your daycare friends too and you talk about them all the time because you do still go there Tuesday and Thursdays.
You did your First Triathlon this month and you did so good. You can't reach the peddles on your tricycle but you wouldn't let mommy push you. You looked at me half way through and said "Mama this is tough" but you kept going and you got a trophy which you couldn't wait to take to the Music City Runners group and show Stephen, our coach. Mommy, Mimi, Beckett and Jodi all wore shirts that said "We support the King", and Susan came to watch you, we were all so proud of you!
We took you to your first Circus on Father's Day and you loved it! I'm pretty sure you would have ran away right then and joined if we would have let you. You didn't take your eyes off the performers. You road an elephant with Daddy and your friend Noah and his daddy and you boys loved it!
You are a little OCD. You hate to be dirty. You won't drink chocolate milk unless it's completely stirred up because you think it's dirty. You have to be buckled into your booster seat even though you don't really need to be. You are obsessed with people wearing shoes and shoes in general. You take a paper towel and wash your cars everyday because you think they're dirty. Things have to be where they belong or it stresses you out. You ask us to wash your hands a lot! People think you're Mr. Safety because all baby gates have to be shut at all times!
There is so much more I could write about you but this is already pretty long! I just don't want to forget a moment of your sweet life and you are such a busy little dude it's hard to find time to write it all down. So when I get a chance it's a lot to fit into one blog. You are special and an individual, everyone you meet loves you, strangers even tell mommy and daddy how silly and handsome you are. But we already know that! You truly are one of a kind and I'm so glad you're ours!!