Thursday, June 17, 2010

Beckett's Bio-2months old

On June 12th you turned 2 months old and you are an awesome little dude. You smile all the time and you even laugh sometimes. You love to coo and your Bubba makes you the happiest. You love when he lays beside you and makes faces or plays where you can see him. You smile at everyone but he makes you smile the most and that makes mommy and daddy very very happy! We can take you anywhere and you will just lay there and look around at all your surroundings and you hardly ever cry. And if you do it's because you're hungry and as soon as we feed you, you are happy again. You have been sleeping in your own room for a few weeks now and you are doing very well. We put you in there wide awake and you put yourself to sleep. You still wake up 1 or 2 times a night to eat but mommy and daddy love those moments with you so we haven't pushed for them to be over. You usually take showers with mommy and daddy and you love when the water hits you. Mommy and daddy take you and Bubba in the double jogger on walks and runs almost everyday and you absolutely love it! You are so calm and happy just like your brother was. I have enjoyed everyday of the last 2 months and I am so glad I get to be your mom. Every time you smile it melts my heart. Every time you lay your little bitty head on my shoulder I am turned to mush. You are amazing and I can't wait to see who you become!

Today you went for your first well visit at the pediatrician and with that comes your first set of shots. When the nurse gave them to you, you turned bright red and let out the worse scream ever. It broke mommies heart that I had to see you like that but I know it's for your own good. You also got weighed and measured today:

Weight: 12lbs. 12oz. 70%
Height: 23.5 inches 66%
Head Circumference: 40.5cm. 58%

It appears to me you are going to be a big guy and will probably catch up with your brother rather quickly!

Happy 2 months on earth baby Beckett I can't wait to see what you do next!

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