Monday, December 7, 2009

Baby Boy 2-Week 21

It's official all my intuitions were wrong and despite how very different this pregnancy is we are having another little boy. And we couldn't be happier. I haven't cared one way or the other from the beginning but I dreamed about a little girl and everyone I talked to was certain I was having a little girl. We named her Scarlett Inez and never really thought of boy names. We had the most awesome ultrasound tech this time around and we were discussing which I would prefer and I was telling her my pros for a boy and I went to launch into my pros for a girl and she said let me stop you right there Kingston's going to have a brother. I said "Obviously" as she showed me and we all laughed and it was perfect. Exactly how it was meant to be. We of course got to look at many more of his features. We think he looks a lot like his brother but then again I'm sure we are just making ourselves see that. He hid his face a lot when we tried to see him in 4D and he put his hands behind his head once like Kingston does and we laughed. I was worried since I've been through this all before that it wouldn't be as special this time around but it was! Seeing him for the first time was just amazing!! And of course his heart and lungs and brain and everything looked just "perfect". They actually said the word perfect to us so much we went out right after our appointment and bought a onesie that said perfect. It's officially his first article of clothing that's not a hand me down! Since then we've been trying to come up with a name so we don't have to keep calling him Baby Boy! It's rough since I love Kingston's name so much I want to come up with an equally perfect name for this little boy. We have a few ideas and we hope to narrow it down really soon.
As for me! I'm doing great! Right on track with everything. I've started incorporating some maternity clothes into my wardrobe but I can wear some of my regular clothes too so not much has changed there. I'm not sick anymore and for the most part I'm feeling pretty good. I've had a little bit of heart burn and my back is hurting a little but I'm still running about 3 miles at a time and doing 5K's whenever I get the chance. And so far I've had no swelling which was a big problem the last time. The 2nd trimester is pretty darn good!
As for big brother Kingston he's been doing a lot too and I really need to catch you up on his little life which I hope to do in the next few days! We've been pretty busy lately but that's not an excuse to not catch you up on our first little boy!! And as always It's great to be an Eller (even a pregnant Eller)!

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