Thursday, April 3, 2008

Kingston's 1st Week!

Well it's been a little longer then I would have liked since I've updated but what can I say we are new parents getting adjusted! Let me first catch you up on Kingston's health. As many of you know he had to go to the pediatrician because of his jaundice, which was a crazy experience in itself. We went to the office of the pediatrician that was on call at the hospital but the reception staff was so rude we left in the middle and made an appointment with Harpeth Pediatrics in Cool Springs and it was amazing! Kingston is finally over his jaundice but has dropped to 6 lbs. which isn't much of a problem but we have to go back on Monday to have him weighed again and see that he gets back up to his birth weight!!

Now on to fun Kingston news! We've been rather lucky so far, Kingston is a wonderful baby! He sleeps between 3 and 4 hours at a time at night and only stays awake long enough for you to feed and change him. But during the day he loves to play! Some of his favorite things are tummy time,

his swing,

and by far his favorite thing is sleeping with mommy and daddy on the couch!

Kingston also had his first sponge bath this week and he had mixed feelings about it! At first he hated it, and then he thought it might not be so bad!

It's also been a week for some visitors. Our friends Rob and Natalina who are expecting Baby JoJo in June brought by some BBQ and some baby gifts! It gave us an opportunity to catch up and have adult conversation other than just Alfred and I!

And Jennifer and Ava came by and brought pot pie and Ava who is getting Baby Brother Maddox in June got to practice what she learned in her Big Sister Class and hold Kingston!

So for a one week old Kingston has a pretty full life!! OK technically I'm a little late on the blog so at this current moment he's technically 10 days old but at least I caught you up before his 2 week birthday!

As for mommy and daddy! We've had some things happening this week ourselves. My swelling has finally went down so after 4.5 months I finally don't have Fred Flintstone feet!! Yippee!! Other than that I've just been adjusting to being a mommy! It all happened so quick!! I really should have been studying the whole 9 months but I thought I could cram in the last month but Kingston decided I didn't get that last month after all! So I've been relying a lot on my sister, Elizabeth and Jennifer for there baby knowledge!

Daddy bought a lawn mower, weed eater, bush trimmer, ladder and some other various lawn stuff so when it hasn't been raining he's been working very hard in the yard!! And it looks rather great I must say! We are no longer those neighbors!

Well Jennifer's pot pie is almost finished and I need to watch Survivor so until next time...

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