Thursday, September 13, 2012

People and Fruit

Kingston's assignment in Pre-K this week was for us to pick a fruit and for him teach the class a characteristic based on that fruit.  The kids were then going to mix all their fruit together to make a fruit salad for the parents at Open House.  After much deliberation with my friend Jodi I decided a pineapple would be the best.  So Alfred brought home a real pineapple uncut and some cubed pineapple.  All morning on the way to school Kingston and I talked about how the Pineapple represented how we "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover"  the pineapple is ugly but on the inside it's sweet. I even wrote it down on paper so his teacher would know what lesson it was supposed to represent in case he forgot.  When it was his turn he told the class exactly what I wrote but then a few minutes later he told Ms. Angela he actually wanted to say something else to the class so she said go ahead.  Kingston stood up and said "People might be mean and prickly on the outside like a pineapple but everyone has a beautiful heart on the inside".  It sounds so much better in his own words and shows me that I need to let him take more responsibility.  He really is a sweet guy and he really does get it!! Lesson learned for mama too!      

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